Thursday 20 June 2013

It’s the Little Things

Sometimes, a little thing can make a big difference.

A little while ago, I was having a crappy week.  The car was acting up and I was fighting off some bug that made me feel tired, cranky and achy. 

The bright side was that I was that I could finally make the last payment on my student loan.  I called the bank’s office in the morning to make sure I had the right amount, then after lunch, I stopped by a local branch. 

When it was my turn, I went to the desk and said with a smile, “Hi, I’m here to pay off my student loan.” 

“Ok,” the teller replied. Because I wasn’t a client at that bank, there was the usual rigamarole to find out how to make the payment and how much was left owing.

“This is a good day,” he quipped. 

“Yeah, the sun is shining, its lovely.”  I said with my usual obtuseness. 

“Sure, but I meant you’re paying off your loan,” he clarified, “That’s a good day!”

“It certainly is!” I replied and we chatted about how much he was looking forward to paying off his own loans.

Since my wife and I took the Financial Peace course by Dave Ramsay, we’ve gotten into the habit of paying for things in cash.  So I had the exact change with me.  But when he took a look at the amount owing, I was short $0.77! 

“But I called the office,” I explained, “They told me it was this amount.”  My voice sounded more sharp than I intended. I had a suspicion that was confirmed when he said, “They’ve probably charged the interest for today since you called.”

My head was buzzing: what should I do? As an admitted introvert, I don’t roll with the punches all that easily.  I checked the car for change.  Nothing.  I asked my wife if she had change.  Nothing.
Isn’t that just like a big bank? I grumbled to myself.

“OK, can I make this payment now, and then bring back the $0.77 later today?”  It sounded so silly.  It was only $0.77, but its what stood between me and paying off my student loan.

“You know what,” the teller said, “I think I have an idea.”  He excused himself for a minute, then brought back a dollar.  His own dollar. 

“I can’t take your money,” I said, but he insisted.

“Its good Karma,” he replied, “I’ll help you and one day I’ll need help.
Hopefully someone will do the same for me.”

I was humbled.  How often had I clung to my pennies, and here was a complete stranger helping me pay off my debt.  It was only $0.77 but he could have easily told me to come back.  Instead, I wonder if he imagined the joy I must be feeling to pay off the loan, and didn’t want only $0.77 to stand in the way.

I thanked him and walked out feeling lighter.  Not only that I’d paid off the loan, but that a complete stranger had helped me.

A good friend once said.  “Sometimes, the littlest thing can make a big difference.” She’s in the habit of sending cards to people as they come to mind.  It’s just a little thing, but it made all the difference for her husband when he was in a dark season.  Now she’s passing it on.  I wonder how many people have smiled, whispering “thanks” to God for her.

I whispered a “thanks” to God for that teller.  He showed me a little kindness.  It cost him a dollar, but it meant the world to me.  It brightened my week, and strengthened my faith that each of us can make a big difference, even with just the little things.

Thanks Colin! A letter to your bank has already been sent.


  1. Thanks for sharing this bit of joy. Just when you least expect it, nice things happen and our faith in people is not only renewed but our outlook is also changed. And for only $0.77!

  2. Great story! Here is a similar story involving a slightly different amount of cash from someone I once knew!
